Graphical and Mathematical Summary of Michaelis-Menten and Allosteric Enzyme Kinetics

Graphical Formats: Michaelis-Menten
Hyperbolic Plot
Lineweaver-Burke Double-Reciprocal Plot  Eisenthal-Cornish-Bowden Direct Linear Plot
Y vs. X Empirical Variables  V0 vs. [S]0 1/V0 vs. 1/[S]0 V0 vs. -[S]0
Vmax & KM are pseudo-variables.
Functional Relationships
Y = f(X)
V0 = Vmax*[S]0h

1/V0 = (KMh/(Vmax)*(1/[S]0h) + 1/Vmax Vmax= (V0/[S]0h)*KMh + V0

Graphical Formats: Hill Plot Scatchard Plot
Y vs. X Empirical Variables  log (V0/Vmax-V0) vs. log [S]0 r/[S]0 vs. r
where r = n*(V0/Vmax)
Functional Relationships
Y = f(X)
log (V0/(Vmax-V0)) = log ([S]0/KM)h = h*log ([S]0/KM) r/[S]0 =

Constants and Definitions KM = [S]50% @ V0 = Vmax/2 h = Hill coefficient,
h = 1 for Michaelis-Menten Kinetics
n = # of identical catalytic sites per E molecule.
r = average # of S molecules converted to P molecules per enzyme molecule per unit time.
© Duane W. Sears
July 26, 2019