Chemical of Amino Acids by R-group
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The chemical properties of the R-groups obviously dominate the primary chemical differences between AAs. The chemical properties of the AA R-groups also dominate the chemical contribution an AA residue makes to the overall chemistry of a polypeptide or protein assembled from a given sequence of AAs. Thus, it is useful to consider the fundamental physical or chemical properties of the R-groups themselves. Classifying AAs according to the fundamental physical characteristics of their R-groups results in three basic physical categories -- nonpolar, neutral polar, and charged polar. The individual AAs representing each of these groupings are found in the tables below:
AA classification according to specific R-group chemical properties:

aliphatic aromatic acidic basic

Sidechain Chemical Groups
amide - Q, N alcohol - T,S phenol - Y methyl - A
amino - K thiol - C phenyl - F sec-butyl - I
imino group - P (an imino acid) thioether - M indole - W isobutyl - L
guanidinium - R carboxyl - E,D imidazole - H isopropyl - V

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© Duane W. Sears
Revised: December 21, 2016